Moving can be an exciting new chapter in your life, but it can also be a significant financial strain. The costs associated with moving can add up quickly. That’s why it can help to work with a budget mindset. Then you can manage all of the details effectively, without breaking the bank—and without compromising on quality either.

The Right Mindset for Planning Your Move

Whether you’re doing a DIY move or you’ve decided to hire professional movers, the moving experience in general isn’t exactly known for being super-affordable. From packing materials to transportation costs, the line items involved with managing a move can get pretty expensive if you aren’t careful. Moving on a budget requires some good choices and smart planning.

It can be helpful to start by reminding yourself of the big picture and your long-term goals with the move. After all, it’s not just a matter of getting from Point A to Point B. Moving is an excellent opportunity to declutter, downsize, and make a fresh start, both for your new living space and your finances.

Before packing a single box, take the time to declutter your belongings. Downsizing not only saves money but also simplifies the moving process. Go through your items and decide what you no longer need. You can sell, donate, or recycle the things that are no longer serving you. The less you move, the lower your moving costs will be. Plus, when you reduce the number of boxes you need to pack, you’ll be able to save yourself a good chunk of time too!

More Ways to Save Money When Packing

Organization is key to a budget-friendly move. So as you declutter and downsize, you might want to consider creating an inventory of the packing materials you already own, as well as what might be missing. This can help you avoid the chance of potentially purchasing duplicates.

Packing materials can be a significant expense. Maybe you already have a couple of good permanent markers, a random bag of packing peanuts, or a few rolls of packing tape. There might even be a stash of decent moving boxes or totes in your basement. All of that is money!

Before you go to the store and buy brand new boxes, bubble wrap, or packing paper, make sure you’re using items you already own. For fragile items, use your blankets, towels, and clothing as padding. Then, if you’re still a little short, you can hopefully make up the difference with free packing materials. Your neighbors and family might have some extra boxes for you in the garage. Or check with some of your local stores and supermarkets for surplus boxes. They might have a big stack waiting for you that would otherwise just end up in the trash.

When packing, be efficient with your space. Try to use every inch of your moving boxes and containers, while still being mindful of the weight. Then you won’t need to purchase as many materials for your move.

How to Find Affordable Movers

If you’re looking to move on a budget, you’re probably already open to the idea of a totally DIY move and renting your own truck. But it’s important to remember that you have options. With a little planning and flexibility, you might be able to hire professional movers to do all the heavy lifting for you—and still keep things affordable for yourself.

By starting early with planning your move and packing, you give yourself time to research local moving companies and to compare their prices and availability. This is how you can get an edge. Moving companies often charge more during peak times, such as weekends. If possible, plan your move during off-peak times. You may even be able to secure lower rates by booking your moving services mid-week. Just because you’re moving on a budget, it doesn’t mean you have to do it all alone!