There are lots of things to get organized when you’re prepping for a move. And without a reliable plan of action, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed even before you get started.

Fortunately, you don’t have to tackle everything at once. Just get the right priorities on your to-do list on a week-by-week basis. This moving timeline can help you make sure that you’ll be ready for the big day—without scrambling at the last minute!

The Week-by-Week Timeline for Moving in One Month

Breaking your move into manageable checklists over the course of four weeks can help keep the process moving along at a good pace, all while lowering your stress along the way. Just address these weekly themes one at a time, and you’ll be set for a more streamlined move.


First off, you’ll want to get your local movers scheduled. Having a day already blocked out on your calendar for the actual move gives you a clear finish line to work toward. You’ll want to reserve your spot early, and also make notes for whether you’ll need an extra truck or a third mover to help with larger items. Then you can use the rest of this week to coordinate the other logistics around your move, like your change of address forms and other paperwork.


This week should be dedicated to clearing out your unwanted items. Use this time to organize a garage sale or your donation drop-offs. Then you can start to inventory all of the belongings you want to keep, and gather up enough moving supplies to help ensure they make the trip safely. Asking your neighbors and local business owners for extra boxes is a great way to save some money!

Ideally you’ll be able to start packing some of your seasonal things and non-necessities during this week too. It often helps to start with the basement, garage, and any spare rooms first.


Continue packing! Once your storage rooms have been handled, it’s time to move on to your closets and the kitchen. Box up the pantry items you won’t be needing over the next two weeks, along with any pots or pans. Then you can begin clearing off your bookshelves and other decorations throughout the house, along with any clothes you won’t be needing right away.


Once you’re in that final week, you’ll want to make a list of the items you want in your “open first” boxes. Typically these will be your bathroom items and other things you’ll want to unload right away for your kitchen. These boxes will be packed last, but you want to make sure you know what to put in them beforehand.

After that, you’ll be able to finish up packing each room individually. And when everything gets wrapped up, you can just leave it be! Your movers will be able to grab the boxes wherever you’ve left them, so you won’t have to worry about any heavy lifting.

Let’s Get Your Moving Day Scheduled!

Obviously the more you can do in advance, the better. But it’s important to remember that you don’t need to do everything on your own.

At Colt Moving, we offer flexible moving day services to help eliminate a lot of the stress that a moving day can bring. From professional packers, to the option for additional movers and trucks, we’re here to give you a super-efficient moving day experience.

To reserve your moving day and time, just visit our scheduling calendar. From there, you can select the package that will work best for you and your belongings. Then our movers will take care of the rest!